Be our Valentine! Join the '64 Zoom Catchup Thursday February 13 at 7:00 p.m. EST. We'd love to have you be there - we're sure there is lots of catching up to do, and we miss you!! And let's share the love - ask a classmate to join.
Topic: N and MH '64 Zoom Catchup
Time: Feb 13, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 1875 1139
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Looking back... Reunion 2024
To those of you who didn't attend our 60th Reunion, we missed you, and you missed a wonderful opportunity to reconnect and make new friends. The weekend was full of sunshine, laughter and remembrances. We were 39 strong, plus spouses and partners and in Sara Jane SImon Stevens's case two amazing sons. Despite a full schedule planned by the school, we were able to carve out time to be with each other - at meals, in our "lounge" over drinks or walking about campus. We got to sing Jerusalem and the Northfield Benediction at least twice.
Connie Putnam arranged for his band to play for our class and anyone who wanted to join us on Saturday night in a more intimate setting than the big tent in front of Gilder. By the evening's end it was packed and the music was just what we all needed. The Round Top Remembrance gathering was especially moving, with shares from the heart by classmates of those we've lost. Numerous classmates have told us it was the best reunion ever. There will be an encore in 5 years, and we hope you'll join us then!
The 1964 Reunion Committee
Photos from the Reunion - Updated July 15, 2024 with photos of the full reunion organizing committee - see below
Our Facebook page has a great collection of reunion photos, thanks to Marcia Congdon and Peter Weston! Below is a short selection. Please visit the Facebook page to see more! Thank you to Karen Deitemeyer for hosting our Facebook group!
Classmates gather at Round Top for our remembrance service and reading of the names.
Hanging out together in our lounge in Crossley
Connie Putnam and friends play Chicago blues
We dance
Peter Guild receives well deserved alumni award
At the buffet in Alumni Hall (formerly West Hall)
Eating together
On the steps of the Chapel
Reunion committee members: Pam Walton, Marcia Congdon, Bob Sparks, Weegee Brooks; Dave Mensel, Karen Deitemeyer and Don Powell (see photos below).
Thank you to everyone who could attend reunion and to all our classmates for your continuing support!!!
NMH Class of 1964 Facebook Group!
Updated: July 15, 2024
Karen Deitemeyer is overseeing and managing the NMH Class of 1964 Facebook Group!
The group now has 101 members! There are LOTS OF PICTURES from our reunion! Click here!
Thank you Karen!
How to access your messages on the NMH Class of 1964 website
Posted May 5, 2023
Several classmates have asked how to access the email thread for messages they have sent or received on our website.
Here are the steps:
Click on the little person icon (it’s a torso) in the upper right corner of your main page. It looks like this:
From the drop-down menu, select Message Center, then select the outgoing or incoming email you want to see.
This should give you access to your entire message thread (sent, received, etc.). If you have any issues, please feel free to use the Contact Us function and let us know!
2022-2023 Scholarship Recipient
Posted: April 04, 2023
We recently received a thank you letter from Gus, our Class of 1964 Scholarship Recipient. Gus is in his senior year and spent a lot of his free time during first semester applying to colleges! He plans to major in mechanical engineering and is considering Santa Clara University and Colorado School of Mines, both of which he has already been accepted to. Gus was involved with the campus newspaper, the Lamplighter, and took a darkroom photography class which has furthered his interest in film. He also continued to run on the varsity cross-country team and play varsity lacrosse, and to ski on weekends. He is very grateful for our scholarship and the opportunities it has given him! Please see his letter here.